Congratulations to the Department's very own Dr. Jamae Morris! Read below:
From the College of Arts and Sciences
"College of Arts & Sciences Faculty:
The Dean’s Office is excited to announce that we have selected six (6) faculty to serve as Online Instruction Ambassadors for the summer 2020 term. OIAs are instructors with expertise in online teaching who will serve as peer mentors supporting other instructors as they teach their courses online this semester.
Summer 2020 Online Instruction Ambassadors:
Carmen Eilertson
Stephanie Hassan Richardson
Raul Llorente
Jamae Morris
Matthew Nusnbaum
Deidre Oakley
Each OIA will serve as a resource for an assigned group of summer instructors by engaging in some or all of the following activities:
Review course materials upon request
Host weekly online office hours to field questions and serve as a sounding board for instructors as they progress through the summer term
Regularly share CETL and other relevant instructional resources
We have assigned an ambassador to each faculty member teaching this summer. Your assigned OIA will reach out to you by email later this week.
We look forward to a successful summer term."